Is Your Business Facing a Crisis?

Get Help Now!

You can’t control if or when you or your business will face a crisis, but you can control how you respond when it does. Having the proper Private Corporate Counsel to help you respond
quickly and appropriately can reduce the stress caused by the crisis and allow you to focus on what’s important.

How to Handle Lawsuit Crisis

If you or your business is being sued, you have a limited amount of time to respond and avoid losing by default. Once you are sued, you must immediately send the lawsuit papers to your Private Corporate Counsel for review, analysis, and response.

Caution: Since businesses are not natural persons, they must have a lawyer to respond. You can not file the papers on behalf of the business. You are not a lawyer.

How to Handle a Debt Collection Crisis

Don’t wait until you default to contact your Private Corporate Counsel if you cannot make upcoming payments. There are options available to delay the charges or negotiate more reasonable terms. As a Private Corporate Counsel member, you will learn how to constructively handle aggressive collective efforts for vendors and lenders so that your business can survive to benefit you, your employer, and your creditors.

How to Handle Employee Conflict Crisis

Conflicts between employees are disruptive and can lead to the loss of a valuable worker, your business being sued, and severe damage to its culture if not addressed immediately and constructively. Therefore you must contact your Private Corporate Counsel to develop a strategy before taking any action other than separating the offenders and scheduling a time to talk to each of them separately.

Before contacting your Private Corporate Counsel, create an incident report with the names of all involved, a short description of what happened, and the steps you took to de-escalate the conflict and send it to your Private Corporate Counsel. We will review it and contact you to help develop a strategy to help resolve the dispute.

Crisis Comes in Many Forms

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for crisis management. That’s why it’s important to prepare for the crises most likely to impact your business with the aid of an experienced corporate counsel.

How to Handle a Lawsuit Crisis

Knowing your rights as a business is essential to avoiding legal risks and unexpected crises. Common legal crises include:

    • Lawsuit Crisis: Whether founded or unfounded, your company should be prepared to act in the event of a lawsuit from current or former clients, customers, competitors, business partners, and more.
    • Government Action Crisis: Stay knowledgeable about legislative/judicial issues that may impact your industry and be prepared to respond to changes if there is government involvement with your company.
    • Law Enforcement Crisis: Your company should be prepared to deal with law enforcement in the event of a civil or criminal matter involving your business.

How to Handle Debt Collection Crisis

Your business should be prepared in the event of a crisis involving one or more of your customers, including:

    • Data breaches
    • Unresponsive or unreachable points of contact
    • Nonpayment of invoices
    • Breach of contract

Determining your next steps, both operationally and legally, before you’re faced with a crisis can help save your relationship with your customer base in the event of an emergency.

How to Handle Unfair Competition Crisis

Competition breeds innovation, but be prepared to deal with competitors who go too far. Two crises you may encounter are an IP crisis, in which a competitor infringes on your trademark or copyright, or a trade secret crisis, in which proprietary knowledge is leaked to or stolen by competitors. Know your rights, and have a plan of action in the event of unfair competition.

How to Handle Employee Conflict Crisis

There are multiple crises that can fall under the heading of an organizational crisis, including:

Current Employee Crisis

  • Workplace harassment
  • Sexual harassment
  • Sudden illness, injury, or death
  • Mass resignation, strikes, and other disruptions to worker availability

Former Employee Crisis

  • Lawsuit
  • Defamation
  • Workplace violence

Management Crisis

  • Misconduct or illegal activities
  • Abuse of subordinates
  • Misuse of managerial power

An organizational crisis can threaten the very foundation of your business. People are unpredictable, and their impact on your organization can be far-reaching. Ensure you have a plan for handling interpersonal conflicts before they reach a head.

How to Handle Financial Crisis

If you have more month at the end of your money, your business will not survive. Therefore, budgeting, planning, and financial management are crucial to avoid a financial crisis. These make your best efforts fail, but there are options to help you get back on track. First, contact your Private Corporate Counsel and set up a meeting. Then, organize your financial statements and tax returns and send them to your Private Corporate Counsel for review. During the meeting, expect an open and honest discussion about your options.

Managing Your Business Through a Crisis:

7 Steps to Success

Download your free guide to help you prepare for a range of business crises with experienced legal and consulting guidance.

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“I met the founder of CPLS, who designed the Private Corporate Counsel Program, over 13 years ago when my business was facing one crisis after another. With their help, I was able to recover from what seemed like a losing battle. Since then, my business has grown to a national level, and we have been able to help thousands of people across the country. Over 13 years later, I continue to value the time I spend with the team and rely on their counsel. I trust them implicitly.”

CEO, Environmentally Conscious Solutions Company

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Download your free guide, Managing Your Business Through a Crisis: 7 Steps to Success, and discover the top recommended ways to prepare your company for the unexpected.

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